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4TUL - Course 路線

Rules & Important notes :

1. 4TUL originated from a personal challenge in 2020. The "4T" of 4TUL refers to four major mountain trails in Hong Kong: MacLehose Trail; Lantau Trail; Hong Kong Trail and Wilson Trail. The Ultra Loop "UL" circuit starts and finishes at Tai Mo Shan.

The 1st edition was an individual challenge for each runner. The 2nd and 3rd editions were carried out as virtual races. The 4th edition in March 2024 will be held as a physical race carrying on the tradition of no ribbon markings on the race course. Participants must download the GPX file provided by the organiser for navigation. Even though over 95% of the route covers the four trails, the organiser still highly recommends participants to do a recce beforehand to familiarize themselves with the route and understand the terrain.


2. The unique feature of the 4TUL is that participants need a coordinated strategy combining human athleticism with resourceful planning to choose the best start time for them from 6:30am, 7:00am, 7:30am or 8:00am. All participants need to run the first 25km section from Tai Mo Shan to Tuen Mun Pier, then take the ferry from Tuen Mun Pier to Tai O. Participants must take either the scheduled 10:20am or 10:30am ferry. 

Occasionally CKS Fortune ferry runs additional sailing(s). In this case, participants won’t be disqualified as long as they catch any ferry before 11:00am, after this time the participants will be regarded as DNF.

3. Participants must take the following public transport between sections:

Section 1 to Section 2: Tuen Mun to Tai O - CKS Fortune Ferry

Section 2 to Section 3: Mui Wo to Central - Sun Ferry

Section 3 to Section 4: Tai Koo to Lam Tin - MTR*

 *Participants must take the MTR to cross Victoria harbour, however in order to remain in the race, they must take the 7:00am train at the very latest. Please be aware the last train of the day is 00:43am. Participants who miss the last train may take any means of transportation to Lam Tin MTR Station, but there will be 1-hour time penalty.  If participants use the MTR after the train services resume on March 30, 2024, no time penalty will be given. The cutoff time for this section is 7:00am and participants must take any train before that time, otherwise they will be deemed DNF.


4. Bag drop services

Free bag drop services will be provided. Details will be announced later.

​規則及注意事項 :

1. 4TUL源於2020年始創人的個人挑戰。4TUL 中的4T 意指路線落在本港4條主要山徑「4 Trails」, 即麥理浩徑、鳳凰徑、港島徑及衛奕信徑;路線的起點和終點同樣位於大帽山,完成路線後的軌跡是一個超級大圈 「Ultra Loop」(UL)。  

4TUL第一屆賽事為挑戰者單獨挑戰;第二屆及第三屆進入賽事模式,在疫情期間,賽事均以虛擬賽形式進行。2024 4TUL第四屆將會為實體賽事,一如既往,大會並不提供任何絲帶引路,故此參賽者需要下載大會提供的GPX 檔作導航。雖然95%以上路線落在4徑上,大會仍然建議參賽者在賽事前試路,以便熟悉路線及了解路況。

2. 4TUL 賽事獨特之處是參賽者需考慮路線上的接駁交通而自行計畫起步時間。 2024第4屆4TUL同樣要求參賽者考慮其個人能力及配速等策略作後,從大會指定的3個時間 (0630、0700 、0730 及 0800) 中自行決定其最理想的起步時間。所有參賽者完成第一段由大帽山至屯門碼頭共25公里路線後,必須乘搭由屯門碼頭開出的渡輪到大澳。除在特殊情況以外**,所有參賽者必須·乘搭10:20或10:30航班。第一段屯門碼頭關門時間為11:00,錯過這兩班航班將被視為不能完成賽事(DNF)。

**特殊情況 : 富裕船公司在賽事當日10:30後至11:00期間有加班船,錯過10:20am或10:30am兩班航班的參賽者仍可乘搭加班船繼續作賽,大會並不會取消其比賽資格。



第一段至第二段 :屯門至大澳 - 富裕小輪

第二段至第三段 : 梅窩至中環 - 新渡輪

第三段至第四段 : 太古至藍田 - 地鐵*

*參賽者必需在2024年3月30日 07:00 或之前乘搭地鐵過海。參賽者需留意尾班列車為 00:43。不能趕及乘搭尾班列車的參賽者可選擇乘搭其他交通工具到藍田地鐵站,但會有1小時加時處分。但若參賽者在2024年3月30日早上地鐵公司恢復服務後乘搭地鐵,則毋需加時處分。此段關門時間為 07:00, 參賽者必需在此時間或之前乘搭地鐵過海,過後一概視作DNF。


4. 寄存行李


146km One Go

(Registration fee $1,980)

 5,016m D+, 5,060m D-

Time Limit : 36 hours

Tai Mo Shan to Tai Mo Shan

Start / Finish : Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park

RS1 Tai Mo Shan - Tuen Mun Pier

Thru : Tin Fu Tsai, Kat Hing Bridge, MacLehose Trail Endpoint (M200)

*Only taking CKS Ferry from Tuen Mun Pier to Tai O Pier is allowed

RS2 Tai O - Mui Wo Pier

Thru : Man Cheung Po, Shek Pik, Shui Hau, Pui O

*Only taking Sun Ferry from Mui Wo pier to Central Pier is allowed

RS3 Central Pier - Tai Koo (MTR station exit B)

Thru : Old Peak Road, The Peak, Lugard Road, Wong Nai Chung Gap, Jardine's Lookout, Siu Ma Shan

*If participant cannot catch the last train (00:43) departing from Tai Koo , he/she can choose to take any transportation (subject to 1-hour time penalty added to the finished time) 

*If the participant opt for taking a train departing from Tai Koo on or before 07:00 on 30th March, no time penalty will be made to him/her.

RS4 Lam Tin (MTR station exit A) - Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park

Thru : Black Hill, Ma Yau Tong, Tseng Lan Shue, Tung Yeung Shan, Sha Tin Pass, Tai Po Road, Shing Mun, Lead Mine Pass, Sze Fong Shan

146km One Go

(報名費 $1,980)

累計攀升 : 5,016米,累計下降 5,065

限時 : 36小時


起點/終點 : 大帽山扶輪公園

RS1 大帽山扶輪公園 - 屯門碼頭

途徑 田夫仔、吉慶橋麥理浩徑終點 (M200)


RS2 大澳碼頭 - 梅窩碼頭

途徑 萬丈布、石壁 、水口、貝澳


RS3 中環碼頭 - 太古 (地鐵站B出口)

途徑 舊山頂道、山頂、盧吉道、黃泥涌峽、渣甸山、小馬山


-如參賽者未能趕及當日最後一班列車 (00:43),參賽者可選擇乘搭任何交通工具 (唯須在完成時間以1小時加時作為處分) ; 但若參賽者選擇乘搭翌日(即3月30日)早上7時正或前任何一班由藍田開出的地鐵列車,則毋需有加時處分

RS4 藍田 (地鐵A出口) - 大帽山扶輪公園

途徑 : 五桂山、馬游塘、井欄樹、東洋山、沙田坳、大埔道、城門、鉛礦坳、四方山

5 points itra.png

100km Warrior

(Registration fee $1,380)

2,612m D+, 3,018m D-

Time Limit : 26 hours

Tai Mo Shan to Tai Koo

Start  : Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park

Finish : Tai Koo Greig Road Sitting-out Area

RS1 Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park - Tuen Mun Pier

Thru : Tin Fu Tsai, Kat Hing Bridge, MacLehose Trail Endpoint (M200)

*Only taking CKS Ferry from Tuen Mun Pier to Tai O Pier is allowed

RS2 Tai O Pier - Mui Wo Pier

Thru : Man Cheung Po, Shek Pik, Shui Hau, Pui O

*Only taking Sun Ferry from Mui Wo pier to Central Pier is allowed


RS3 Central Pier - Tai Koo Greig Road Sitting-out Area

Thru : Old Peak Road, The Peak, Lugard Road, Wong Nai Chung Gap, Jardine's Lookout, Siu Ma Shan

100km Warrior

(報名費 $1,380)

累計攀升 : 2,612米,累計下降 3,018

限時 : 26小時

大帽山 至 太古


終點 : 太古基利路休憩處

RS1 大帽山扶輪公園 - 屯門碼頭

途徑 : 田夫仔、吉慶橋麥理浩徑終點 (M200)


RS2 大澳碼頭 - 梅窩碼頭

途徑 : 萬丈布、石壁 、水口、貝澳


RS3 中環碼頭 - 太古基利路休憩處

途徑 舊山頂道、山頂、盧吉道、黃泥涌峽、渣甸山、小馬山

66km Half Loop

(Registration fee $880)

1,257m D+, 1,719m D-

Time Limit : 17 hours

Tai Mo Shan to Mui Wo

Start  : Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park

Finish : Mui Wo Pier

RS1 Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park - Tuen Mun Pier

Thru : Tin Fu Tsai, Kat Hing Bridge, MacLehose Trail Endpoint (M200)

*Only taking CKS Ferry from Tuen Mun Pier to Tai O Pier is allowed


RS2 Tai O Pier - Mui Wo Pier

Thru : Man Cheung Po, Shek Pik, Shui Hau, Pui O

66km Half Loop

(報名費 $880)

累計攀升 : 1,257米,累計下降 1,719

限時 : 17小時

大帽山 至 窩碼頭

起點 : 大帽山扶輪公園

終點 : 窩碼頭

RS1 大帽山扶輪公園 - 屯門碼頭

途徑 田夫仔、吉慶橋麥理浩徑終點 (M200)


RS2 大澳碼頭 - 梅窩碼頭

途徑 : 萬丈布、石壁 、水口、貝澳


路線及高度圖 (146公里)

2024 4TUL 146km One Go race map (reroute) marked.png
2024 4TUL 146km Elevation Profile.png


路線及高度圖 (100公里)

2024 4TUL 100km Warrior race map (reroute) marked.png
2024 4TUL 100km Elevation Profile.png


路線及高度圖 (66公里)

2024 4TUL 66km Half Loop race map (reroute) marked.png

About checkpoints 補給站資訊

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