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Important rules

  1. Participants must follow the official race route to complete the activity at one time, the result has to be submitted before 3rd March 2023 11:59p.m.. The result can only be submitted once, please make sure the upload is valid.

  2. The race allows external support.

  3. Participants who do not follow the official race route will be disqualified.

  4. It is strictly forbidden to take shortcuts and use of any transport other than your own feet.

  5. Considering the record of activities may diverge resulting from using different GPS watches or mobile phones, the verified results made by Racematix shall be final.

Preparation and points to note before and during the race

  1. It is highly recommended to do a recce in order to familiarise yourself with the route and refuel points.

  2. Wear appropriate sport outfits and trail running shoes. Bring along trekking poles if necessary.

  3. The course is rocky, uneven and steep in places. Participants need to take great care at all times and look out for their own and other runner's/hiker’s safety and well-being. 

  4. Take extra care when crossing the road or running on the road.

  5. Provide assistance if other trail users are injured or in distress.

  6. Bring enough foods and drinks to reach your finish point. Water filter is helpful in case of emergency.

  7. Bring adequate warm and waterproof clothing.

  8. “Leave No Trace", no littering.

  9. No damage to flora or fauna.

  10. Wear a mask when passing through the village. Be silent and avoid causing any nuisance.

  11. Although there is mobile phone coverage over most of the course, there are still some areas where coverage is either non-existent or intermittent. Ensure the mobile phone is fully charged. Carry a power bank if necessary.

  12. Participants are responsible for checking the weather before and during the run. Do not attempt or continue any activity during inappropriate weather conditions (including heavy rain, strong wind, typhoons, storms and lightning). Please respect and stick to this rule for the sake of safety.

  13. Participants should pay attention to personal hygiene protection, keep wear masks all the time unless they are present in country parks or conducting strenuous physical activity in outdoor public places. Be mindful of social distancing.  In response to the development and changes of the COVID-19 epidemic, please refer to the latest government on epidemic prevention regulations and group gathering policy to ensure compliance with relevant guidelines.


Gear Reminder

  1. Bib

  2. Mobile phone

  3. GPS watch

  4. Powerbank

  5. Cash

  6. Octopus card

  7. Water flasks/bladder 

  8. Food eg. Power bars and gels

  9. Headlamp/torch (if the activity carried out in the dark is expected)

  10. Water filter 

  11. ​Whistle 

  12. Emergency space blanket or equivalent 

  13. Ziploc bag for your personal rubbish

  14. Anti-chafing cream 

  15. Sunscreen 

  16. Sunglasses

  17. Visor, cap or sun hat 

  18. Spare clothing/socks

  19. Windproof/waterproof jacket

  20. Gloves

  21. ​Trekking poles

  22. First aid kit (tissue paper, sterile dressings, roll of strapping tape, blister care patches, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, and any relevant personal medications etc).  

  23. Spare masks


Liability and Insurance 

  1. Participants are responsible for their own health and safety and also the GPS/tracking system. 

  2. It is recommend that participants and their support crew should have their own personal accident insurance. 

  3. Participants accept that taking part in the race has an inherent risk of injury.

  4. Organisers and sponsors have no responsibilities whatsoever of participants including death or injury. All participants must ensure that they are physically fit to participate in the race. By registering of the race, participants agree to obey and accept all the terms and conditions of participation.

  5. Participants expressly agree that the activity is undertaken under their own responsibility and release the organization from any and all liability in connection with their athletic activities and they also agree that in no event shall the organizer be liable to the participants or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the race.


Force Majeure 
Force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organiser and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event.  A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, protests, commotion, government, military or police action or instruction, strikes, go-slows, lock outs, blockage or disorder, blocked or inaccessible roads or trails, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism. In such event no refund of the registration fee will be entertained.


Complaint & Disputes
All complaints must be made in writing within 2 days of completion of the course.  Any decision is final and without appeal.  The organiser reserves the right to a final decision under any disputes and may change the rules or regulations for this event at any time.


Photographs and Video Usage

The organiser reserves the right to use any photographs and/or videos of participants taken by our event photographers or participants taking part in 4TUL Ultra race. The images may be used for our promotional materials including (but not limited to) websites, social media, newsletters or media releases. Images and videos may also be shared with third parties and event sponsors for their own promotional usage.


Linking Policy
This site contains links to other sites and pages which are not maintained or controlled by the organiser and for which the organiser is not responsible for. When participants activate and access any of these links or pages, they enter to such a site or page at their own risk for which the organiser disclaims all responsibility and liability.

Personal Information Collection Statement 

During the registration process, personal data will be collected by the organiser and may include participants’ name, mobile number, email address, age, gender or other such personal information. 



  1. 參賽者需依照指示路線一次性完成活動,並需在2023年3月3日晚上11時59分前完成成績上載。所有成績只能上傳一次,請確保您提交有效的資料。

  2. 是次活動准許他人進行支援。

  3. 對未遵循大會指定路線的參賽者將一律取消其賽事資格。

  4. 嚴禁走捷徑及利用代步交通工具完成路線。

  5. 考慮到不同GPS手錶或手提電話在記錄活動時或許存在差異,大會會以Racematix核實的成績作為最終結果。


  1. 建議在比賽前試路,以熟悉比賽路線和補給點。

  2. 穿著合適的運動服裝和越野跑鞋。必要時帶上行山杖。

  3. 崎嶇不平、陡斜險要的路段,參賽者需時刻考慮其他山徑和道路使用者安全。

  4. 過馬路或在道路上跑步時要格外小心。

  5. 如遇上其他山徑使用者受傷或遇險,請提供協助。

  6. 帶備足夠的食物和飲料,確保能支持到達終點。可考慮攜帶備濾水器以備不時之需。

  7. 帶備足夠保暖和防水衣服。

  8. 「山野無痕」,不要亂扔垃圾。

  9. 不要破壞動植物。

  10. 通過村落時需佩戴上囗罩, 並儘量保持安靜及不要作出滋擾行為。

  11. 大部分賽道均屬手提電話網路覆蓋範圍,惟仍有部分地區並無網路覆蓋或接收不良。確保活動時手機有足夠電量。如有需要,應攜帶充電器。

  12. 參賽者有責任在活動日前和期間檢查天氣預測,不應在不適當的天氣情況下 (包括大雨、強風、颱風、風暴和閃電) 進行及繼續任何比賽活動。為了您的安全,請務必遵守此規則。

  13. 參賽者需注意個人衛生防護,在非郊野公園及非運動時需配戴口罩。留意保持社交距。因應2019冠狀病毒病的疫情發展及變化,請參閱政府最新公佈防疫及限聚令規例,確保遵從有關指引。



  1. 號碼布

  2. 手提電話

  3. GPS手錶

  4. 充電器

  5. 現金

  6. 八達通

  7. 水樽或水袋

  8. 食糧,如能量棒和能量啫喱

  9. 頭燈/手提電筒 (如您預計活動將會在黑夜中進行)

  10. 濾水器

  11. 哨子

  12. 緊急用太空毯或類似保暖物毯

  13. 密封袋 (放置個人垃圾)

  14. 防磨損霜

  15. 防曬油

  16. 太陽眼鏡

  17. 運動帽

  18. 替換衣物

  19. 防風/防雨外套

  20. 手套

  21. 行山杖

  22. 急救包 (紙巾、消毒紗布、包紮帶、水泡貼 、消毒紙巾、止痛藥和任何相關的個人藥物等)

  23. 後備口罩


  1. 每位參賽者都要對其健康和安全以及 GPS/追踪系統負責。

  2. 我們建議您和您的支援人員購買個人意外保險。

  3. 參賽者接受參加比賽時固有的受傷風險。

  4. 主辦單位和贊助商對參賽者的死亡或受傷不承擔任何責任。所有參賽者必須確保其身體健康才進行比賽活動。成功參與活動者需同意遵守並接受所有參賽條款,並明確同意本活動是在參賽者本身的責任下進行。

  5. 參賽者明確同意免除主辦單位對參賽者比賽活動有關的任何和所有責任及同時同意免除主辦單位與參賽者的比賽活動有關的任何和所有責任。參賽者並同意在任何情況下,主辦單位均不需對參賽者或任何第三方因或與賽事活動有關而引起的任何直接、間接、偶然、特殊或後果性的損害負責。


不可抗力,即發生超出主辦單位控制範圍的事件,導致主辦活動成為不可能、 不安全或不切實際地情況。不可抗力事件應包括但不限於天災、戰爭、敵對行為、侵略、叛亂、革命、起義、暴動、示威、騷亂、政府、軍事或警察行動或指示、罷工、怠工、禁工、 阻塞或動亂、堵塞或不能通過道路或山徑、 疾病的爆發以及恐怖主義行為或威脅。  在這種情況下,報名費將不予退還。






主辦單位保留使用大會攝影師或參加 4TUL Ultra race 的參賽者本人所拍攝的參賽者任何照片和/或視頻的權利。這些圖像可能會用於主辦單位的宣傳,包括(但不限於)網站、社交媒體、新聞通訊或媒體發布。圖像和視頻也可能與第三方和活動贊助商共享,用於他們的宣傳用途。







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