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1. Why there is a blank page when visiting Racematix?

This usually happens when using iPhone to access Racematix via Facebook. If you encounter this issue, please copy to the browser to open the webpage directly.


2. When is the registration deadline?

The registration deadline is 31st December 2022 (Saturday) 23:59pm. There is registration quota and based on first come, first served basis.


3. How to confirm if my registration is successful?

Participants who successfully registered and paid through Racematix (the designated registration platform) will receive an email notification from Racematix. If you do not receive email on the registration day, please check if the email account is the same with the one you registered at Racematix. Another common situation is the email goes to spam folder. If you have not received email from Racematix after one day from your registration, please send email to for enquiry.


4. How to get Racematix Registration ID?

In addition to your registration information, the email notification sent by Racematix also contains your Registration ID. You will need it for uploading your result later.


5. How to get the finisher gifts?

After the race finished, the participants who successfully completed the race will receive the finisher gifts. All finisher gifts will only be given on a specified collection date, any collection before and after the period will not be accepted.


6. When is the deadline for submission of result?

Participants must submit their activity record to Racematix result page before 3rd March 2023 (Friday) 23:59pm. After the deadline, all result submission will not be accepted.


7. Is the activity record before or after the race accepted?

Only activity records within the race period (1st January 2023 00:00 to 3rd March 2023 23:59pm) will be accepted.


8. Is it possible to change the size of the tee/vest?

As we make the tee/vest according to the size requested by the participants, any change will not be available.


For questions about registering at Racematix (including account locked, changing personal information etc.) and result upload, please contact Racematix


For enquiries or questions of the race, please contact us


1. 為何進入報名平台Racematix後為空白頁面?

這種情況一般發生在使用iPhone透過Facebook 進入Racematix。 如遇此問題,您可複製 到瀏覽器直接打開網頁。


2. 何時截止報名?

報名截止日期是2022年12月31日 (星期六) 香港時間23:59。比賽名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。

3. 如何確認成功報名?

成功於Racematix (大會指定報名平台) 報名及付款的參賽者將會收到由Racematix發出的「報名確認通知」電郵。如發現報名後當天未有收到電郵確認,請確認您是否查閱您在Racematix報名的郵箱。另外較常見的情況會是電郵被誤認為垃圾郵件,請檢查您「垃圾郵件」資料夾。

若於報名後一天都仍未收Racematix發出的電郵,請以電郵到 contact@racematix.com查詢。


4. 如何獲得Racematix Registration ID ?

Racematix發出的「報名確認通知」電郵內除有您報名資訊外,還包含您的Registration ID。 在提交活動成績時,您需要輸入您的Registration ID。


​5. 如何獲得完賽禮物?


6. 何時為上截活動紀錄之截止時間?
參加者必需於2023年3月3日(星期五)晚上23:59前把活動紀錄提交至Racematix 成績頁面。限期日過後,所有成績將不接納。


7. 活動開始前或後的運動記錄可否被接納?
大會只接受比賽日期內 (2023年1月1日00:00 至 2023年3月3日晚上23:59) 的活動記錄。比賽開始前及逾期的活動記錄一概不被接納。


8. 完賽衣是否可以更換尺碼?



有關在Racematix報名 (包括賬戶被鎖、更改個人資料等等) 及提交成績遇到問題 ,請以電郵方式與Racematix聯繫



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